Thinking about what I could make for simple Christmas gifts, I settled on potholders. I made a stack of 16 of them. I loved watching them pile up!

I thought about each friend or relative I was making them for, and chose fabric combinations for each.

Simple, fun, functional and satisfying. I hope they'll be well-used!
Such a great idea to make potholders. I think they would make a perfect gift anytime of the year.
Hi! I'm really enjoying your blog. I LOVE your pot holders. Would you be willing to share how you make them?
Hi belkamama. Thanks for stopping by! Let's see, how did I make the potholders...
I cut a square template out of cardboard, I think it was about 8.5 inches square. I used this to trace and then cut the fabric and the Insulbright insulation. I cut 2 pieces of fabric, and 2 pieces of insulbright per potholder. I sewed a little strip of fabric to make the hanging loop and folded it in half.
I stacked the pieces this way:
1 piece of insulbright
one piece of fabric right side facing up
one piece of fabric right side facing down
1 piece of insulbright
Pin all around.
Place the hanging loop in one corner, fold aiming into the center of the square, raw ends sticking out a little. Pin it in place.
Sew around the outside edges using a 1/2 inch seam allowance, leaving an opening of about 4 inches or so on one side. Make sure to stitch the ends of the loop as you go by it.
Trim the corners a bit, and turn the potholder right side out, poking the corners out with whatever tool you use for this kind of thing.
Turn the raw edges inside, and stitch the opening closed. I continued this seam all the way around the whole square to make a consistent margin ann around. You can then machine quilt as you like.
I noticed that the more quilting I did the stiffer the potholder became. I ended up preferring the ones that I just tufted with 5 or so small stitches, instead of quilting. They were most flexible and practical to use.
Good luck and let me know how yours come out!
PS - The loop should be placed between the two facing pieces of fabric in the center of the 'sandwich.'
Awesome. Thank you so much! I will be trying this out very soon and I'll report back. I tried to respond to your comment on my blog...but it won't let me? Strangest thing. Anyways, thanks again!
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