This winter Bettie started watching TV. It started with a chance viewing of a PBS Nature episode about polar bears. She was sitting next to me on the couch, and suddenly noticed the lumbering bears on the screen. Since then she joins me whenever I turn on the tube.

We've watched Nature's special on hummingbirds (I bought the dvd to ease her winter boredom), several artist documentaries, including an American Masters episode on Andy Warhol, and the biggest surprise - "8: The Mormon Proposition" about the Mormon financial influence on the passage of Prop. 8 in California. She watched the whole thing!! She's transfixed by Rodney Yee's "A.M. Yoga." As soon as I cue it up in the morning, she takes her seat by the set!
Amazing. I love the way her head is cocked to one side. It shows that she really is engrossed.
Ive allways been a Big Cat lover. I have allways owned or have been owned by many a Kitty.Love having both Dogs and Cats. Mine have always co habbitated in harmony .I had just two Dogs until Martin my Roomate moved in with his Cats Mittens & Ebony sisters .One big family now plus Noah my Macaw .Funny Noah runs the house she comes down from her cage and terrorizes the Dogs and Cats .They know not to mess with Noah or feel the rath of her beak .Bettie looks very mellow .Is she a single child ? I love that she appreciates Pop
Art and is up on Prop 8.Warhol did some very cool Cat picture's.Looking forward to more storys about Bettie.
Hi Priya. Nice to see you - fellow cat-lover - again!
Hi Frank. Yes, Bettie is my one and only feline. She wouldn't have it any other way. She came from a shelter 3 1/2 years ago, and had been terrorized by her former family's dogs. Sounds like you've got your hands full! Thanks for stopping by.
I had the same puzzled tipped head expression when viewing the Mormons trying to explain their opposition to Proposition 8.
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